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Digital & Afterlife

Opening thought
   Expectancy calculator.    "The average American now lives to 88."

Digital Afterlife
   Cyberspace.    Living on (or not) in Cyberspace. --dated but useful, in .doc format
   Afterlife.    In a computer.    (If that link fails, try: this)
   Digital Afterlife.    Four things you might not know.
   Social    Social media.
   Afterlife.   As an industry.
   Digital remains.   Like human remains.
   The Virtual You.   And your consent.
   Black mirror.    SciFi series. You as chatbox.

Some practicalities
   Advance directives.    Planning ahead.
   Practical advice.    What to do when a loved one dies, Consumer Reports 2021.

   Improving Terminal Days.    Atul Gawande, The New Yorker.
   End of Life Series.    NPR.
   Why men live less long.    NPR again.
   Advanced Cancer Care/Planning.    Advice.
   What really happens in death.    Rebecca Atkinson and Sarah Tavner talk to the people who handle us after death.

Researching others
   legacy.com   "Find and share obituaries from local communities everywhere."
   Newspaper obits.   Illinois.
   findagrave.com Useful for dates.