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Dave Zinn   July 2020

I am quarantined in a group home in Phoenix, AZ. It is the only way to be safe here in the City. We have masks, but do not wear them in the house.

Mary Hanson Hirsch   July 2020

No reports having been sent is good and could be taken as no one having contracted it. However, if one had, . . . well, at our age, they wouldn’t be alive to tell the tale. Let’s go on believing that our class was “chosen” and that those who have gone before us didn’t suffer either. I am not making light of the dreadful disease that has taken over our Earth, just acknowledging that our particular class knew a time of life as young people together that our prodigy did not and will not experience. Sending love to all of you,

Nancy Fricke Johnson   July 2020

I am in quarantine now until Monday! My hair stylist tested positive, so I was notified. We both wore masks, and she was so vigilant wiping the chairs down and keeping her mask on. The salon seemed spotless. My doctor advised that I only get a test if I experience symptoms. I feel great and have experienced NO symptoms. Before my quarantine, we were slowly getting out to restaurants and stores wearing masks. We live in The Woodlands, TX, north of Houston. Texas has had a surge mostly among younger people. So bars have been closed and a mask requirement was mandated yesterday. Stay well, friends! We are living in surreal times.

Bob Stoothoff   July 2020

Well, like most of you, we suspect, we are listening to and reading the good advice and practicing good hygiene, distancing, and wearing masks when we are at the “essential stores”. We walk a lot and do some cycling and in house exercise/stretching. Lots of reading. I have taken up baking as a new “hobby”. All my volunteer work on Boards is done on ZOOM and phone. Our church does services on U-Tube, and Bible study on Zoom. Grand children are on West Coast, so planes and more Zoom. We are venturing out to Asheville and Highlands NC in two weeks for a careful outing. Botanical garden and waterfall hikes are on the menu along with carry out food unless there is an outdoor dining space we feel comfortable with. Cindy is busy with quilting, reading and piano playing. We gather with friends outside the house in small groups and hope the hearing or hearing aids are effective. We are blessed with great medical care here in Chapel Hill between UNC and Duke. Please be safe.