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* Here's a wonderful welcome video from Glenbard's Principal,
Ben Peterselli: Welcome! *

Day One: Orientation     (Leader: Margie)   Wed. May 29

An Ode to Graduation ’59 (To get us in the mood)

     It was May 29 at our cherished high school.
     We seniors were excited but tried to stay “cool”.
     Our days on “The Hill” would end very soon,
     And then we’d scatter and play our own tune.
     Through phone calls and letters, staying close we did try,
     But our lives got busy, so the years flew by.
     Sixty -five years later, it is now twenty twenty-four.
     We need to reconnect before we are “…nevermore”.
     So “down memory lane” we offer five days
     And hope that you like them in each of their ways.


First things first:
    Click here for the 1959 Graduation Invitation    (thanks to Becky’s scrapbook).

Do you recall who your guests were?     (For starters: graduation cartoon from The New Yorker. & another).

Day Two: Quiz     (Leaders: Becky & Tom)  Thurs. May 30
        15 questions, plus a bonus. And a list of events from the year of our graduation.
        Hope you found your thinking caps!
        Click on this link and the Quiz will magically appear.

        Answers emailed to you Saturday. Now, can also be found here.

Day Three: History Lesson (utube)     (Leader: Margie)    Fri. May 31

Today we look back even farther than we can remember. We are inviting you to view a youtube video of the history of Glenbard.
           The History of Glenbard West High School

It is informative, but what makes it special is that Mr. Wiersum, a teacher in Glenbard's English department, produced it.
          I believe this video was made by Mr. Wiersum on his own, but if you google Steven Wiersum videos Glenbard High School West, you will find many more that were made under his tutelage by his creative-writing classes. The youtubes range from the history of the homecoming bonfire to one about a fictional time capsule.
          Steven and Elizabeth Wiersum have been in Glenbard's English department for a total of 59 years. They both just retired. Thank you to them both.

Other utube videos on our Glenbard are worth a look . . . especially "The Hitter", a tribute to Steve Capel's older brother, a college and pro football player who died in Viet Nam. It's a fitting tribute to him and to our class' s Dick Robbley who was also a casualty of the war.

Day Four: Audio Visual Day - Zoom call for us all     (Leader: Cliff)   Sat. June 1

Headstart on Zooming, thanks to our leader.
Join the call this Saturday, June 1, at 4 p.m. Pacific Daylight time (5 p.m. Mountain, 6 p.m. Central, and 7 p.m. Eastern).

1. Don't be concerned if you have never done a Zoom call. The basic requirement for joining a Zoom call is a computer, usually a laptop, that has a camera and microphone, or tablet or cell phone.
2. Access to the Internet to connect.
3. You have previously received my "Zoom invite" which is repeated below. It includes a Zoom link to join the meeting along with a meeting ID and password, the latter two which you may or may not need.

A good 8-minute YouTube video on joining a zoom call online can be found at: Joining online.

And a very good, simple, short YouTube video on using the Zoom app is here: Zoom app. As you will see, downloading and installing that app gives you probably simplest way to join our meeting.

Also, please feel free to contact me by email at: ctargue9370@aol.com   with any questions and concerns before Saturday.

I am very much looking forward to this chance to be together if not in person at least virtually.
Cliff Argue is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.           
Topic: Glenbard '59 Reunion
Time: Jun 1, 2024 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 7249 9731
Passcode: 352373

Day Five: Grande Finale, Graduation Day    (Leader: Patti)    Sun. June 2

Hi Hilltoppers!
          It's already Day 5 of our 65th Virtual Reunion!
          This is the Grande Finale!
                    Starting with the Commencement Program
                    we were handed upon entering the Auditorium.

We hope you will get in touch by phone, email, text or even in person with one of                     your classmates.

You have lots of options!
          * Maybe someone you've kept in touch with but not lately.
          * Maybe it's someone you thought about getting in touch with but never did.
          * Maybe it's someone you're curious about how their life turned out.
          * Maybe it's the neighbor you walked or rode to school with.
          * Whomever you choose it will make their day!

We hope you have enjoyed your 65th Glenbard Class Reunion!

In closing
A Poem by Joni Paulson, a stanza from one of her graduation-themed poems*

          Friendships unbroken
          Are what we made here,
          Though words aren't spoken
          Feelings are strong.
          Memories we treasure
          Tie us together
          Recalling pleasure
          All our lives long.

*Joni has her own website of holiday-themed poems and songs. poemsource.

Fight Song
Drum Line March-down
Marching Band Half-time Show

Recent addition. August 6 letter from Ben to Jim: ben-email

*           *           *            *            *           *            *           *           
In thanks for his wonderful Welcome,
59 hereby makes the following award to Principal Ben:
*           *           *            *            *           *            *           *           

Our Reunion 2024

(Ps. As we know, Tom collected favorite teacher votes & mailed out results, but you can also find them here).