* Delay Alzheimer with newly discovered nasal spray, for up to a decade.
* Combat Alzheimer with Blueberries!
* Combat Alzheimer with Espressos!
* Blood test dementia risk.
* Combat dementia with music!"Powerful!"
* Combat Alzheimer with
[Real] Wasabi !
* New study, 11 factors key to reducing dementia risk by 40%. (2023)
* Curiosity: Thought Exercises.
* 6 ways to slow memory decline.
* Deep sleep fights memory decline.
* Curable form of dementia.
* Youngest case ever reported. Age 19.
* Stroke recovery
* Your memory HIV drug helps.
* Also, Walk backwards-1 & Backwards-2.
* Keep your brain active! Active.
* Seafood for brain Sea.
* Benefits of Choline.
- Here's a good overall intro/summary.
* Parkinson rates are exploding.
Chemical may be to blame. (Avoid the dry cleaner).
But there's also good Parkinson news:
- A new idea from Stanford -- a vibrating glove worn 2 hours twice a day.
More here.
- New theory: Gut microbiome.
* Big advance - Parkinson. Deep brain stimulation personalized.
* Parkinson's 500% danger! TCE in cleaning wipes!
Just in: B2(cheese) & B7(greens).
Foods (Chicago study/U Illinois starring roles)
TEDx talk video.
Music/Vibration therapy
TEDx talk video. Sound at a cellular level.
Paper suggests daily dose of ibuprofen could help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. (2018)
But another study found it does not slow cognitive decline.
To help prevent cognitive decline
Neuroscientists snack on: Blueberries, Walnuts, Almonds, Wasabi, Kale chips, Smoked salmon, Sardines. (2023)
* Alzheimer. Two totally new weapons:
* Totally new thinking:
- Not a brain disease!
- Dysfunctional mitochondria (energy factories in every brain cell).
- Bacterial infection (likely from mouth).
- Metals (abnormal handling of metals within brain).
* New cancer inhibitor drugs:
act against Alzheimer.
* Alzheimer < > viruses.
500k med records.
* New approach to tradtional enemy: toxic protein clumps. New theory
about this enemy:
PLD3 Lysosomes Axons.
A way forward. Long-term memory discovery.
Brand new drug approvals, lecanemab and aducanumab,
have received much attention, but one source (newscientist.com - subscription required) wrote recently: "FOR the first time in nearly two decades, a new treatment for Alzheimer’s disease was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in June. But instead
of joy and relief, the announcement was largely met with frustration and even anger."
Even newer
donanemab, on verge of approval summer 2023, may hold even greater potential. Donanemab 7-2023.
Drug Screening Research: Oxford.
Key area of research:
gut-microbiome (2023).
Further proof gut health is key: based on studies
using identical twins over age 60, one of whom got a cheap supplement, inulin, found in chicory, or FOS,mainly used as low-cal sweetner
significantly improved cognitive results compared to other twin (2024).
Giving people functions back: Dementia et al.
* Another new theory: Breakthrough?