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December 16, 2019

Dear 1959 Classmates,
Our 60th Reunion is now history, and a great time was had by everyone who was able to attend. We owe a big THANKS to Patti Galligan Witt who coordinated everything, and all those who assisted her. The holidays are upon us with 2020 arriving very soon.
As discussed in an earlier email and at our Saturday night reunion dinner, we all now have the opportunity to offer some support for current and future Glenbard West students to benefit from the great education and experience we all did.
While we understand that you, like us, have been inundated in recent weeks with charity and other fundraising appeals, we ask that everyone in our class to the extent you are able to do so, consider in this joyous and giving season making a donation to a Glenbard West scholarship fund in the name of the Class of 1959.
We are pleased to announce that thanks to several generous classmates, every dollar you donate between now and the end of January will be doubled through a one for one match up to a total of $15,000. Full participation would mean at least $30,000 in our class gift.
The school administration advises that approximately 25 per cent of the GW students come from families considered low income. There are a number of fees charged students which are spelled out at this link:
School fees
This level of fees can be a burden to some families.
The administration also noted "while our low income students are usually eligible for fee waivers, donations can support extra fees, often those connected to participation in sports and clubs. With over 80% of our students involved in extra-curricular activities, those funds could help in this area."
One member of our Class expressed very well why we should all contribute to the fund:
"Each passing year makes me even more grateful for our Glenbard experience."
Donations will be sent directly to the school which assures that 100 per cent of your gift goes to the fund and thus is available to the administration to provide assistance to needy students. There are no administrative fees or other charges.
However, the school can only accept checks. No credit cards or other forms of online payments are possible.
Therefore, please be as generous as possible and send your checks made out to "Glenbard West High School" with "Class of 1959 Scholarship Fund" in the memo line. Also, be sure to include your full name and address so that the school can send you a receipt/thank you letter. Any donation, large or small, will be helpful and sincerely appreciated.
Please mail them to
Mr. Chris Mitchell
Assistant Principal - Student Services
Glenbard West High School
670 Crescent Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
While donations by January 31 will be doubled through the matching offer and thus be most impactful, the fund will be ongoing, so your gifts will be welcome at any time.
Thank you very much in advance for helping the next generations of Glenbard West students. If you have any questions, please contact either one of us.
We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
With best regards,
Cliff Argue (migreek@aol.com)
Jim Lewis (jimlewis41@icloud.com)